SOLARVENTI without any comparison
At SolarVenti we would like to know how our products are performing in comparison with other air collectors on the market. We have therefore made a simple test with a tube bag with a capacity of 390 liters. See for yourself how much difference there is between the two solar air collector performance:
A Solarventi SV7 model takes 17.5 sec. to fill the bag with air. - Comparing this, it takes the Chinese model 46 sec. to fill a similar bag of air - and with no efficient pressure.
See what this means for the air volume per hour:
- 15 secs. ≈ 94 m³/h
- 20 secs. ≈ 70 m³/h
- 30 secs ≈ 47 m³/h
- 40 secs. ≈ 35 m³/h
- 50 secs. ≈ 28 m³/h
Visita nuestro canal de YouTube y vea cómo se puede probar el rendimiento de su colector solar de aire.
We have also made some tests at the renowned Delta Centre of Testing Excellence, where they have been asked to test the market's best selling air collectors on their real air performance. Delta Centre has, among others tested:
- SV7 and SV3 from Solarventi produced in Denmark.
Green Sol:
- GS30 / Air Max 75 / SPAH 3, imported from China
- GS20 / Air Max 50 / Solfresh 30, imported from China
- Scanheat model 400, imported from China
Test results for SolarVenti SV7, SPAH 3 (GS30), Sol Fresh 30 (GS20)

On a winter day in Denmark, there is only an average of three hours of sun a day. When the solar air collectors only work when the sun shines, it is very important that the ventilation capacity is high.
Test results for SolarVenti SV3, Scanheat Model 400